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host bus adapter


In computer hardware, a host controller, host adapter, or host bus adapter (HBA) connects a computer, which acts as the host system, to other network and storage devices. The terms are primarily used to refer to devices for connecting SCSI, Fibre Channel and eSATA devices.

A host bus adapter (HBA) is a circuit board and/or integrated circuit adapter that provides input/output (I/O) processing and physical connectivity between a host system, or server, and a storage and/or network device. Because an HBA typically relieves the hostmicroprocessor of both data storage and retrieval tasks, it can improve the server'sperformance time. An HBA and its associated disk subsystems are sometimes referred to as a disk channel.

The host bus adapter is an I/O adapter that sits between the host computer's bus and the Fibre Channel loop and manages the transfer of information between the two channels. In order to minimize the impact on host processor performance, the HBA performs many low-level interface functions automatically or with minimal processor involvement.

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